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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Kraid version 2

 Here's the final version of Kraid.  Made in Maya and Photoshop.

Uggloch the Ogre

And now for my main project of last month, it's an original character.  Uggloch the Ogre is the warchief of his tribe, and is widely feared for his brutal tactics.  Made using Maya, Zbrush, and Photoshop.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

First post. Also, Kraid.

So here's my first post on here...And it's only fitting that I open my blog with a brand spanking new model from yours truly!  So here's a low-res Kraid from the Metroid series.

It's kinda still a WIP, but its like 99% done.  I will be posting more stuff, old and new as time goes by, so keep an eye out for that.